The Physical Benefits of Inversions
Inversion poses in yoga involve some means of going upside down. The physical and psychological benefits of inversions are plentiful, Sally explains.
Why Your Hips Need Happiness!
When we regularly give our hips some love, we may see improvement in the rest of our practice.
Private Prenatal and Postnatal Yoga Sessions at Inner Bliss
Private prenatal and postnatal yoga sessions offer a one on one experience to help support with the physical, mental and emotional changes that occur during and after pregnancy.
Rituals: The New February 2017 Experience
This February 12-26, the original Experience is enhanced! A new focus is on establishing meaningful rituals, as you break out of old habits and patterns.
The Chakras Demystified
Chakras complement and interact with our physical bodies and the multi-dimensional layers of our emotions, beliefs and habits. Learn more with Chakras expert Dawn Schroeder.
Is Yin Yoga for Me?
Yin Yoga is the perfect companion for your more Yang vinyasa practice.
The WHY Behind Kids' Yoga
I believe yoga has become so popular because of its adaptability and simple treatment for many modern day troubles that kids may have.
Teaching Assists at Inner Bliss
At Inner Bliss we are committed to offering safe, non-judgmental and healing assists not to correct but to connect with students. Learn more in a four part series of workshops beginning November 5.
Backbends: The Art of Opening Your Heart
Open your heart and say "Ahhhhh!" Investigate how poses like bow, camel, full wheel and dancer seem so elusive, but feel so good.
Sweet Slumber: Yoga for Better Sleep
Learn poses and breathing techniques that will encourage a restful nights sleep, ease physical tension and calm your nervous system.
Yoga for Runners and Walkers
Five reasons why runners should do yoga, plus Kim Rush's workshop details.
Why Handstands?
Inner Bliss teacher and handstand zealot Sally shares the 'upsides' of practicing this pose.
Yoga Cultivates Resilience, IBY Teachers Tell Us How
How do I spell 'recovery day?' Y-O-G-A.
Why Teach Prenatal Yoga?
As teachers, we can give pregnant students the modifications and cues that allow them to honor their practice.
Living Fully (from Elephant Journal)
Kara Powers & Marisa Tingle provide tips on how to live a full life by asking the right questions.
5 Benefits of Savasana
Savasana (Corpse Pose) is much more than a moment's rest at the end of a yoga class. The essential pose is crucial for calming the mind and body, here are additional benefits.
Who is Max Strom?
Meet Max. Teacher, author, journeyman, inspiration. He will be at Inner Bliss January 22-24.
Connection over Correction: Assisting the IBY Way
"Please don’t correct me, connect with me," embodies the philosophy of assisting at Inner Bliss.
The Experience: A Chance to Consider Habits
Backing out of habits is not easy but with the support of a group and a framework, habits look less scary.