your thoughts.

Happy Friday!

I went for a walk with another IBY teacher earlier this week and she reminded me of something I know well, believe in, practice often and still, forgot.

She reminded me that what we think about dramatically impacts what we feel moment to moment. She reminded me that our thoughts create feelings. And we feel what we feel and in the moment of feeling, it feels like there is nothing else (you may have to read that a couple of times - it’s like a tongue twister 😂)

But we can think a different thought and that will change what we are feeling.

This sounds so simple and it is, but it is not easy.

I am challenging myself today to think good thoughts. Over and over returning to good thoughts. Thoughts that elicit good feelings.

Join me! It helps that Mama Nature gave us a perfect September day!

Big love,


working on.


simple stillness.