Today is auspicious. It is the Winter Solstice and tonight is the long-awaited night, when Jupiter and Saturn will come together for their "great conjunction."
I am not an expert on astronomy, or even a novice, but I have been told by many that this occurrence is a like once in a gazillion years (that is not a scientific measurement) and offers so much possibility. The conjunction is worth Googling - there is tons a great information on the meaning of this rare occurrence.
Collectively, it is clear the we sit in the midst of a time of monumental change so big, the word doesn’t really do the feeling, justice. And yet, we are called to find meaning. To look beyond the darkness for slivers of light. To let fall away what we thought we knew and arrive in a space of great curiosity of what could be. On this darkest day of the year, to imagine the new that is coming to be better in ways we previously could not fathom.
To me, today is about going beyond knowing, past what we thought we knew, to that humble place of being open to that which has not yet been discovered. To bow in to the heart where the lights are always on and love always lives. It is about sitting still long enough to touch the depths of what is possible.
I love that… what is possible… let’s sit there today - together!
Big love,