Sharing good news, small victories, stories of love winning, is a little like medicine for our souls!
Reading uplifting stories or even better, telling uplifting stories, is a gift that keeps on giving to all involved.
When you tell a story that is heart-opening or gratitude-inspiring, your own body produces positive chemical hormones and the person listening also receives the benefit of an upswing in positivity circulating through their being.
When we get good news, what intensifies the the great feelings and emotions accompanying the the good news, is of course, sharing it! When we share with others something really exciting, we get more excited! When we share a story of goodness, we are all uplifted!
Take a moment today, to share something that opened your heart, made you smile or just felt good in your body. It will be a feel good for all involved.
Share the good - it makes the good, even better!
Big love,