The Secret of I Am
We repeat this phrase in the chatter of our minds hundreds of times a day.
I am tired, I am late, I am a loser, I am fat, I am unsuccessful and it goes on and on this way while we are awake and moving through our day.
Every now and then there may be a I am a hard worker or I am a good cook, but often the messages delivered through I am are not so nice and definitely do not reflect what we want to see more of in our lives.
What we forget sometimes is everything that follows the phrase I Am we are manifesting on some level. Our thoughts are directly related to what we see in our lives. Our I Ams shape our thoughts and our thoughts influence our words and actions and our words and actions build our lives and impact others. Whoa.
Not only do we need to be an agent of love for others but we need to be an agent of love for our own I Ams and what we tell ourselves about ourselves.
Try this practice and witness your own shift:
If you do these practices for one week and do not experience a giant, uplifting change in your state, I will give you a free yoga class!
- Begin listing 5 power words that capture what you want to invite more of into your life. Words that stand for how you want to feel and what you want to experience on a daily basis.
- Then, anytime you have the freedom of thought (driving, showering, running, falling asleep, doing laundry), repeat your power words over and over with the phrase I Am. For example: I am healthy, I am fun, I am organized, I am energetic, I am successful!
- Say them out loud at least once a day.
- Tell them to someone else, have a witness. You can be sly or right up front about this. In a conversation you could say to a friend "I've been eating well and I am energetic because of it," or you could just say your kids, "I am fun, aren't I?!"
- Feel your I Ams in your body by verbalizing your power words when you are running or walking or practicing yoga or dancing or even jumping up and down for a minute or so!